Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Interface Result<O extends DatabaseObject>

Type Parameters:
O - the type of DatabaseObjects handled by this Result
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractResult, AprioriResult, Biclustering, CASHResult, CLIQUEModel, ClusterOrder, Clusters, ClustersPlusNoise, ClustersPlusNoisePlusCorrelationAnalysis, CorrelationAnalysisSolution, EMClusters, EMModel, HierarchicalAxesParallelCorrelationClusters, HierarchicalCASHClusters, HierarchicalClusters, HierarchicalCorrelationClusters, KNNDistanceOrderResult, KNNJoinResult, PartitionClusteringResults, PartitionResults, PointerRepresentation, SubspaceClusterModel

public interface Result<O extends DatabaseObject>

Specifies the requirements to a printable result of some algorithm.

Arthur Zimek

Field Summary
static String SEPARATOR
          String to separate different entries while printing.
Method Summary
 void output(File out, Normalization<O> normalization, List<AttributeSettings> settings)
          Writes the clustering result to the given file.
 void output(PrintStream outStream, Normalization<O> normalization, List<AttributeSettings> settings)
          Writes the clustering result to the given stream.

Field Detail


static final String SEPARATOR
String to separate different entries while printing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void output(File out,
            Normalization<O> normalization,
            List<AttributeSettings> settings)
            throws UnableToComplyException
Writes the clustering result to the given file. Clustering result implementations, which are likely to provide several clusters are supposed to use the filename as prefix for every file to create and to append a proper suffix. In case of occuring IOExceptions the output is expected to be given at the standard-out. Therefore this behaviour should be also achievable by giving a null-Object as parameter.

out - file, which designates the location to write the results, or which's name designates the prefix of any locations to write the results, or which could remain null to designate the standard-out as location for output.
normalization - Normalization to restore original values according to, if this action is supported - may remain null.
settings - the settings to be written into the header, if this parameter is null, no header will be written
UnableToComplyException - if any feature vector is not compatible with values initialized during normalization


void output(PrintStream outStream,
            Normalization<O> normalization,
            List<AttributeSettings> settings)
            throws UnableToComplyException
Writes the clustering result to the given stream.

outStream - the stream to write to
normalization - Normalization to restore original values according to, if this action is supported - may remain null.
settings - the settings to be written into the header, if this parameter is null, no header will be written
UnableToComplyException - if any feature vector is not compatible with values initialized during normalization

Release 0.1 (2008-07-10_1838)