Environment for
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Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing

Preprocessors used for data preparation in a first step of various algorithms or distance and similarity measures.


Interface Summary
PreferenceVectorPreprocessor<O extends DatabaseObject> Marker interface for preprocessors computing preference vectors.
Preprocessor<O extends DatabaseObject> Defines the requirements for classes that do some preprocessing steps for objects of a certain database.
PreprocessorClient<P extends Preprocessor<O>,O extends DatabaseObject> Interface defining the requirements for classes using a PreprocessorHandler to run a preprocessor on a certain database.

Class Summary
DiSHPreprocessor<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Preprocessor for DiSH preference vector assignment to objects of a certain database.
FourCPreprocessor<D extends Distance<D>,V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Preprocessor for 4C local dimensionality and locally weighted matrix assignment to objects of a certain database.
HiSCPreprocessor<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Preprocessor for HiSC preference vector assignment to objects of a certain database.
KnnQueryBasedLocalPCAPreprocessor<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Provides the local neighborhood to be considered in the PCA as the k nearest neighbors of an object.
LocalPCAPreprocessor<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Abstract superclass for preprocessors performing for each object of a certain database a filtered PCA based on the local neighborhood of the object.
MaterializeKNNPreprocessor<O extends DatabaseObject,D extends Distance<D>> A preprocessor for annotation of the k nearest neighbors (and their distances) to each database object.
PreDeConPreprocessor<D extends Distance<D>,V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Preprocessor for PreDeCon local dimensionality and locally weighted matrix assignment to objects of a certain database.
PreprocessorHandler<O extends DatabaseObject,P extends Preprocessor<O>> Handler class for all objects (e.g. distance functions) using a preprocessor running on a certain database.
ProjectedDBSCANPreprocessor<D extends Distance<D>,V extends FeatureVector<V,?>> Abstract superclass for preprocessor of algorithms extending the ProjectedDBSCAN algorithm.
RangeQueryBasedLocalPCAPreprocessor<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Provides the local neighborhood to be considered in the PCA as the neighbors within an epsilon range query of an object.
SharedNearestNeighborsPreprocessor<O extends DatabaseObject,D extends Distance<D>> A preprocessor for annotation of the ids of nearest neighbors to each database object.
SpatialApproximationMaterializeKNNPreprocessor<O extends NumberVector<O,?>,D extends Distance<D>,N extends SpatialNode<N,E>,E extends SpatialEntry> A preprocessor for annotation of the k nearest neighbors (and their distances) to each database object.

Enum Summary
DiSHPreprocessor.Strategy Available strategies for determination of the preference vector.

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing Description

Preprocessors used for data preparation in a first step of various algorithms or distance and similarity measures.

Release 0.3 (2010-03-31_1612)