Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Uses of Class

Packages that use AssociationID
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm Algorithms suitable as a task for the KDDTask main routine. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering Clustering algorithms Clustering algorithms are supposed to implement the Algorithm-Interface. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier Outlier detection algorithms 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database ELKI database layer - loading, storing, indexing and accessing data 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction Distance functions for use within ELKI. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation Distance functions using correlations. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.subspace Distance functions based on subspaces. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction Similarity functions. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.roc Evaluation of rankings using ROC AUC (Receiver Operation Characteristics - Area Under Curve) 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing Preprocessors used for data preparation in a first step of various algorithms or distance and similarity measures. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result Result types, representation and handling 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.outlier Outlier result classes 

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm declared as AssociationID
static AssociationID<KNNList<?>> KNNJoin.KNNLIST
          Association ID for KNNLists.

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering declared as AssociationID
private static AssociationID<Distance<?>> SLINK.SLINK_LAMBDA
          Association ID for SLINK lambda value
private static AssociationID<Integer> SLINK.SLINK_PI
          Association ID for SLINK pi pointer

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier declared as AssociationID
static AssociationID<Double> ABOD.ABOD_SCORE
          Association ID for ABOD.
static AssociationID<Double> AbstractDBOutlier.DBOD_SCORE
          Association ID for DBOD.
static AssociationID<Double> EMOutlier.EMOD_MAXCPROB
          association id to associate
static AssociationID<Double> GaussianModel.GMOD_PROB
          Association ID for the Gaussian model outlier probability
static AssociationID<Double> INFLO.INFLO_SCORE
          The association id to associate the INFLO_SCORE of an object for the INFLO algorithm.
static AssociationID<Double> KNNOutlier.KNNO_KNNDISTANCE
          The association id to associate the KNNO_KNNDISTANCE of an object for the KNN outlier detection algorithm.
static AssociationID<Double> KNNWeightOutlier.KNNWOD_WEIGHT
          Association ID for the KNN Weight Outlier Detection
static AssociationID<Double> LDOF.LDOF_SCORE
          The association id to associate the LDOF_SCORE of an object for the LDOF algorithm.
          The LOCI MDEF / SigmaMDEF maximum values radius
static AssociationID<Double> LOCI.LOCI_MDEF_NORM
          The LOCI MDEF / SigmaMDEF maximum value (normalized MDEF)
static AssociationID<Double> LOF.LOF_SCORE
          The association id to associate the LOF_SCORE of an object for the LOF_SCORE algorithm.
static AssociationID<Double> LoOP.LOOP_SCORE
          The association id to associate the LOOP_SCORE of an object for the LOOP_SCORE algorithm.
static AssociationID<Double> GaussianUniformMixture.MMOD_OFLAG
          The association id to associate the MMOD_OFLAF of an object for the GaussianUniformMixture algorithm.
static AssociationID<Double> OPTICSOF.OPTICS_OF_SCORE
          The association id to associate the OPTICS_OF_SCORE of an object for the OF algorithm.
static AssociationID<Double> ReferenceBasedOutlierDetection.REFOD_SCORE
          The association id to associate the REFOD_SCORE of an object for the Reference based outlier detection algorithm.
static AssociationID<SOD.SODModel<?>> SOD.SOD_MODEL
          The association id to associate a subspace outlier degree.
static AssociationID<Double> SOD.SOD_SCORE
          The association id for the raw scores.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<Double> SOD.SODProxyScoreResult.getAssociationID()

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database declared as AssociationID
static AssociationID<Matrix> AssociationID.CACHED_MATRIX
          The association id to associate an arbitrary matrix of an object.
static AssociationID<ClassLabel> AssociationID.CLASS
          The association id to associate a class (class label) to an object.
static AssociationID<String> AssociationID.EXTERNAL_ID
          The association id to associate an external id to an object.
static AssociationID<KernelMatrix<?>> AssociationID.KERNEL_MATRIX
          The association id to associate a kernel matrix.
static AssociationID<String> AssociationID.LABEL
          The standard association id to associate a label to an object.
static AssociationID<Integer> AssociationID.LOCAL_DIMENSIONALITY
          The association id to associate a local dimensionality (e.g. the correlation dimensionality) to an object.
static AssociationID<PCAFilteredResult> AssociationID.LOCAL_PCA
          The association id to associate a correlation pca to an object.
static AssociationID<Matrix> AssociationID.LOCALLY_WEIGHTED_MATRIX
          The association id to associate the locally weighted matrix of an object for the locally weighted distance function.
static AssociationID<List<Integer>> AssociationID.NEIGHBOR_IDS
          The association id to associate the neighbors of an object.
static AssociationID<BitSet> AssociationID.PREFERENCE_VECTOR
          The association id to associate a preference vector.
static AssociationID<ArrayList<Integer>> AssociationID.RANKING_LIST
          The association id to associate a set of neighbors for use of the shared nearest neighbor similarity function.
static AssociationID<Integer> AssociationID.ROW_ID
          The association id to associate a row id to an object.
static AssociationID<SortedSet<Integer>> AssociationID.SHARED_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS_SET
          The association id to associate a set of neighbors for use of the shared nearest neighbor similarity function.
static AssociationID<Matrix> AssociationID.STRONG_EIGENVECTOR_MATRIX
          The association id to associate the strong eigenvector weighted matrix of an object.

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database with type parameters of type AssociationID
private  Map<AssociationID<?>,Map<Integer,Object>> AssociationMaps.associations
          Holds a mapping from AssociationID to maps for object ids and associated objects.
private  AnyMap<AssociationID<?>> Associations.associations
          Map to store the actual data.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database that return AssociationID
static AssociationID<?> AssociationID.getAssociationID(String name)
          Returns the AssociationID for the given name if it exists, null otherwise.
<C> AssociationID<C>
AssociationID.getOrCreateAssociationID(String name, Class<C> type)
          Gets or creates the AssociationID for the given name and given type.
<C> AssociationID<C>
AssociationID.getOrCreateAssociationIDGenerics(String name, Class<?> type)
          Gets or creates the AssociationID for the given name and given type.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database that return types with arguments of type AssociationID
 Set<AssociationID<?>> AssociationMaps.keySet()
          Provides the set of all association ids pointing to mappings from object ids to objects within this AssociationMaps.
 Set<AssociationID<?>> Associations.keySet()
          Provides the set of all association ids pointing to objects within this Associations.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database with parameters of type AssociationID
<T> void
Database.associate(AssociationID<T> associationID, Integer objectID, T association)
          Associates a association in a certain relation to a certain Object.
<T> void
AbstractDatabase.associate(AssociationID<T> associationID, Integer objectID, T association)
<T> void
Database.associateGlobally(AssociationID<T> associationID, T association)
          Associates a global association in a certain relation to the database.
<T> void
AbstractDatabase.associateGlobally(AssociationID<T> associationID, T association)
          Associates a global association in a certain relation to the database.
 boolean AssociationMaps.containsKey(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether this AssociationMaps contains a mapping for a given AssociationID.
<T> Map<Integer,T>
AssociationMaps.get(AssociationID<T> associationID)
          Provides the mapping from object ids to associated objects for the given AssociationID.
<T> T
Associations.get(AssociationID<T> associationID)
          Retrieves the object associated under the given association id.
<T> T
Database.getAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID, Integer objectID)
          Returns the association specified by the given associationID and related to the specified Object.
<T> T
AbstractDatabase.getAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID, Integer objectID)
<T> T
Database.getGlobalAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID)
          Returns the global association specified by the given associationID.
<T> T
AbstractDatabase.getGlobalAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID)
          Returns the global association specified by the given associationID.
 boolean Database.isSet(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether an association is set for at least one id in the database.
 boolean AbstractDatabase.isSet(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether an association is set for at least one id in the database.
 boolean Database.isSetForAllObjects(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether an association is set for every id in the database.
 boolean AbstractDatabase.isSetForAllObjects(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether an association is set for every id in the database.
 boolean Database.isSetGlobally(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether a global association is set in the database.
 boolean AbstractDatabase.isSetGlobally(AssociationID<?> associationID)
<T> void
AssociationMaps.put(AssociationID<T> associationID, Map<Integer,T> associationMap)
          Associates a new mapping from object ids to associated objects for a given AssociationID.
<T> void
Associations.put(AssociationID<T> associationID, T associationObject)
          Sets the specified object under the given AssociationID.
 void Associations.putUnchecked(AssociationID<?> associationID, Object associationObject)
          Sets the specified object under the given AssociationID.

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<Matrix> KernelBasedLocallyWeightedDistanceFunction.getAssociationID()
          Returns the association ID for the association to be set by the preprocessor.
 AssociationID<?> LocallyWeightedDistanceFunction.getAssociationID()

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<?> PCABasedCorrelationDistanceFunction.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<?> ERiCDistanceFunction.getAssociationID()

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.subspace

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.subspace that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<?> SubspaceDistanceFunction.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<?> AbstractPreferenceVectorBasedCorrelationDistanceFunction.getAssociationID()
          Returns the association ID for the association to be set by the preprocessor.

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<SortedSet<Integer>> SharedNearestNeighborSimilarityFunction.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<SortedSet<Integer>> FractionalSharedNearestNeighborSimilarityFunction.getAssociationID()

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.roc

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.roc declared as AssociationID
static AssociationID<Double> ComputeROCCurve.ROC_AUC
          The association id to associate the ROC Area-under-Curve.

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing declared as AssociationID
private  AssociationID<?> PreprocessorHandler.associationID
          The association ID for the association to be set by the preprocessor.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<?> PreprocessorClient.getAssociationID()
          Returns the association ID for the association to be set by the preprocessor.
 AssociationID<SortedSet<Integer>> SharedNearestNeighborsPreprocessor.getAssociationID()
          Provides the association id used for annotation of the nearest neighbors.

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result declared as AssociationID
private  AssociationID<T> AnnotationFromHashMap.assoc
          Store Association ID
private  AssociationID<T> AnnotationFromDatabase.assoc
          Storage of included associations.
protected  AssociationID<T> OrderingFromAssociation.association
          AssocationID to use
static AssociationID<Integer> IDResult.OBJECT_ID
          The association ID to use.
static AssociationID<Integer> ClusterOrderResult.PREDECESSOR_ID
          Predecessor ID for reachability distance.
static AssociationID<? extends Distance<?>> ClusterOrderResult.REACHABILITY_ID
          Association ID for reachability distance.

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result with type parameters of type AssociationID
private  AnyMap<AssociationID<?>> MultiResult.meta
          Meta data.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result that return AssociationID
 AssociationID<T> AnnotationFromHashMap.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<T> AnnotationResult.getAssociationID()
          Return the association ID of this result.
 AssociationID<D> ClusterOrderResult.ReachabilityDistanceAdapter.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<Integer> ClusterOrderResult.PredecessorAdapter.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<T> AnnotationFromDatabase.getAssociationID()
 AssociationID<Integer> IDResult.getAssociationID()

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result that return types with arguments of type AssociationID
 Collection<AssociationID<?>> MultiResult.getAssociations()
          Get stored meta data associations.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result with parameters of type AssociationID
<T> AnnotationResult<T>
ResultUtil.findAnnotationResult(List<AnnotationResult<?>> anns, AssociationID<T> assoc)
          (Try to) find an association of the given ID in the result.
<T> AnnotationResult<T>
ResultUtil.findAnnotationResult(Result result, AssociationID<T> assoc)
          (Try to) find an association of the given ID in the result.
<M> M
MultiResult.getAssociation(AssociationID<M> metaid)
          Get a meta data object.
<M> M
MultiResult.getAssociationGenerics(AssociationID<?> metaid)
          Get a meta data object, with weaker compile time type checking.
<M> M
ResultUtil.getGlobalAssociation(Result result, AssociationID<M> meta)
          Get first Association from a MultiResult.
<M> void
MultiResult.setAssociation(AssociationID<M> metaid, M value)
          Put meta data.
<M> void
ResultUtil.setGlobalAssociation(MultiResult result, AssociationID<M> meta, M value)

Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result with parameters of type AssociationID
AnnotationFromDatabase(Database<O> db, AssociationID<T> association)
AnnotationFromHashMap(AssociationID<T> assoc, HashMap<Integer,T> map)
OrderingFromAssociation(Database<O> db, AssociationID<T> association)
OrderingFromAssociation(Database<O> db, AssociationID<T> association, boolean descending)
OrderingFromAssociation(Database<O> db, AssociationID<T> association, Comparator<T> comparator, boolean descending)

Uses of AssociationID in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.outlier

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.outlier declared as AssociationID
private static AssociationID<OutlierScoreMeta> OutlierResult.OUTLIER_SCORE_META
          Constant association ID for the outlier score meta data.

Release 0.3 (2010-03-31_1612)