Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme

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Master Seminar "Deep Learning" (WS 2017/18)


Note: We are looking for Hiwis for different lectures.


  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schubert, Evgeniy Faerman, Felix Borutta
  • Required: Lecture "Knowledge Discovery in Databases I" and Lecture "Machine Learning" or equivalent
    Please indicate in the central registration form in uniworx in which semesters you had attended these courses.
  • Registration: Uniworx
  • Audience: The lecture is directed towards Master students in Mediainformatics, Bioinformatics and Informatics as well as Data Science

Time and Locations

Event When Location Start
Introduction Thu, 16.00 - 18.00 h Room 165 (Oettingenstr. 67) 19.10.2017
Presentations I

Link to intro slides

Assigned papers

List with possible papers


The availability of large amounts of data and increased computational power enabled the renaissance of neural networks as an universal paradigm for machine learning.

Neural networks especially profited from the recent developments because the new conditions enabled the training of deep architectures stacking large amounts of hidden layers. In this seminar, students will discuss fundamental works in the quickly evolving area of deep learning and will venture into the state-of-the-art of this exciting development.

In the first part of the seminar participants build teams of 4-5 people and each team is assigned with a general topic. Each team will give an one hour presentation about their topic. Example topics are Recurrent or Convolution Architectures. In the second part of the seminar, each participant presents a particular paper individually.